Walking football is a growing sport for people over the age of 50 upwards and as a sport offers a multitude of health benefits to older people such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke while improving blood pressure.
Positive changes in postural balance, blood pressure and resting heart rate, lowered cholesterol, improved blood sugar levels, bone density, and improving reactions, whilst slashing the odds of suffering from type 2 diabetes – all indicators of general good health.
Our walking football programme meets on a Friday evening from 18:45 at the YMCA Centre, Melrose Close, Cripple Street, Maidstone ME15 6BD. We cater for all levels of football ability – if you are interested in joining our programme simply turn up and have a chat.
Get into walking football
Want to find out more?
1. Give us a call 07904 992474
2. Send us an email at walkingfootball@stonesinthecommunity.org.
3. Come along to a session at YMCA Maidstone, Fridays from 18:45.
WalkingSTONES News
Get into football and benefit from physical and mental fitness and make some new friends to boot!
Maidstone United over 50’s travelled to Sussex on Saturday to take part in the inaugural Old Bexhillians walking football tournament.
The WalkingSTONES hosted their annual tournament at the Gallagher Stadium on Saturday 27 April 2024 where twenty two teams across 50s and 60s age categories went head to head.
Fourteen 50+ and twelve 60+ walking football teams competed to be champions.
The same final as last year but a better result!
Three ways to find out more:
1. Give us a call 07904 992474
2. Send us an email at walkingfootball@stonesct.org.uk
3. Come along to a session at YMCA Maidstone, Fridays from 18:45.