Creating a legacy

Head In The Game and MindSTONES

It is a well documented fact that mental fitness is just as important as being physically fit. Whilst staying mentally fit is important for all of society, the figures regarding suicide in men are particularly high with Samaritans reporting that in 2022 males aged 50 – 54 had a suicide rate of 23.1 per 100,000, compare to a rate of 7.7 in females.
Tackling the stigma of men’s mental health isn’t easy but South East CIC Head In The Game (HITG) are combating this. Founded in April 2021 by Mark Pinkney and Matt Witts, to give men between the ages of 25-55 in the local community the chance to come together and enjoy the beautiful game of football and talk openly about men’s mental health.
Having worked professionally in the mental health sector, Mark Pinkney noticed that there was a gap in support and provision for men between the ages of 25–55 to talk openly about their own mental health and general wellbeing. One of the fundamental reasons that HITG exists is to ensure that men have a safe and secure environment to open up and talk. This is key to everything HITG do. Without the openness and honesty of everyone who attends, the 12 week sessions HITG run wouldn’t work. Men open up and talk as they know that it’s a safe and secure space where support will be given if they are having a difficult time. Alongside this, HITG found that football is the perfect vehicle to enable men to come along to get physically and mentally fit.
One of the sessions HITG facilitated took place in Maidstone and was attended by Colin Jones:
“When I signed up for Head In The Game at the start of the Maidstone sessions in 2021 I was at a low point in my life and had recognised that I needed support and social interaction.
I hadn’t played football for many years and was very nervous about attending the first session, but it changed my life. I had been involved with Mental Health services in a small way through a previous job role but up until that point I had never really thought about, or taken care of, my own mental wellbeing.
The sessions helped me hugely.” 
Colin Jones, MindSTONES Lead

HITG are being extremely successful in raising the issue of mental wellbeing which has recently seen them broaden the support they provide. Watch the video below to hear their story and plans for the future.

Legacy project

Following the end of the HITG Maidstone sessions, Stones in the Community, led by previous participants including Colin continued the work HITG had begun by creating a HITG Legacy project – MindSTONES.

“When I was asked if I would help with the running of the MindStones Head In The Game legacy project sessions I jumped at the chance as it was an opportunity to give something back and to provide the support, which had been so important for me, to others.”
Colin Jones, MindSTONES Lead
MindSTONES is a free football scheme for men aged 18+ who wish to improve their mental and physical fitness in a friendly, open and safe environment.
The one-hour weekly sessions take place on a Monday and Thursday evening and, as a Head in the Game legacy project, follow the principles of that initiative using discussion and football to enable participants to support their wellbeing.
Our sessions serve as a lifeline for many participants, providing invaluable support during their most challenging moments. Within our open, honest, and non- judgmental environment, we offer unwavering support, enabling people to navigate through their darkest times and embrace brighter days ahead.

To find out more about MindSTONES please register your interest by clicking here.

Are you passionate about helping your community?​

We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. People who volunteer often report better physical health than nonvolunteers and research has also shown that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety.
We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you and would be excited to have you join our team.