Enriching lives

Schools Out Summer Club 2024 Impact Report

above: Children attending one of the Schools Out Summer Club days at South Borough Primary School enjoy a session given by boxing professionals and Stones fans, Sean Noakes and Mason Payne

Schools Out Summer Club 2024

Between and including 22 July 2024 to 22 August 2024, we ran 16 days (mostly 4 weeks; 4 days per week) at all our sites (Greenfields Community Primary School in Shepway, Tree Tops Primary Academy in Parkwood and at South Borough Primary School in Tovil) for our Schools Out Holiday Clubs.

We greeted and spent time talking to parents in the mornings and at pick up to help establish a good working relationship. We welcomed parents attendance, if required, to see what we were doing and get them involved.

Number of participants

We delivered lots of exciting activities at each venue for the following registered children consisting of Holiday Activities and Food participants (HAF) and participants not registered on this scheme (Non-HAF):

Greenfields Community Primary School
Total participants 1,092
HAF 695/Non-HAF 397

Tree Tops Primary Academy
Total participants 774
HAF 438/ Non-HAF 336

South Borough Primary School
Total participants 639
HAF 399/Non-HAF 240

Venues combined
Total participants 2,505
HAF 1,532/Non-HAF 973

Read the report

Read the Schools Out Summer Club 2024 Impact Report  by clicking here or on the image below.

The report also contain feedback from parents and helpers. 

If you want to find out more about Stones in the community or can help in any way please get in touch – send us a message on our contact form.


Our funding comes from a number of sources but we would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to the following whose generosity has helped us some way to fund the Schools Out Summer Club 2024:

Thank you to Golding Homes for their donation of £3,000.

Thank you to the Officers and Members panel of Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) for granting us the sum of £2,500 under their Summer Community Support Grant scheme. MBC received a high volume of applications and members and officers were inspired by the range of projects offering support with food poverty across the Borough. The applications were reviewed and scored against this criteria, including how the project supported these objectives. As a result, our application for funding was successful.

Thank you to Nicola Brickwood, Val Lloyd and all the Community Matters Team at Waitrose in Allington, Maidstone who have kindly donated £1,250.

Thank you to our WalkingSTONES Football Group who have donated £1,000, proceeds from their annual tournament in support of our Summer 2024 Schools Out Club.

Thank you to Civil Service Insurance Society (CSIS) for their donation of £1,000.

Thank you to Clockhouse Farm for their donation of fresh fruit and vegetables. 

Last and by no means least thank you to Julie Palmer (PE Teacher), the staff, pupils and parents at Oaks Primary Academy in Maidstone for their kind donation. They recently held a cricket event, provided cakes and asked for donations.

Are you passionate about helping your community?​

We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. People who volunteer often report better physical health than nonvolunteers and research has also shown that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety.
We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you and would be excited to have you join our team.